No event

Today’s Update 4.0.3 marks the end of the Legacy of Crassus Event. Stay tuned for the next event, the Year of the Dragon, coming soon!

Baby Healer

This build is designed for leveling and the Void Gauntlet is just as important as the Life Staff. In fact, you could think of this as a Mage build, with some healing to keep you alive…

Update 4.0.3

This update sees the New World team keep their promise to focus on fixing bugs, with a number of important bug fixes shipping today. The server will go down on 24 January at 6pm Delos server time and should be up within an hour and a half…

Tarn and Ennead, Void and Ice

We’re feeling rather Ancient this week, and weary of the Ward and Coating swaps in these two expeditions. But the news that we will soon have three mutated expeditions to choose from per week is exciting…