Shounen P of the Delos server
Here’s what Shounen P had to say about this look:
"The fluffy shoulders and the boots give a bit of fashion touch to the look. The pants is tight enough and compliments the abs. Personal favourite is the purple love heart on the bow making me a cupid. I also like the fact that my face is covered being incognito whilst showing some skin :p"
Shounen P
As for my opinion, this outfit is wonderfully constructed. The colour sandwich that the Summer Raspberry on the chestwear and the boots creates brings a sense of cohesion to the look. The darker tones of the pants and gloves bring depth to the outfit and lovely tonal variation. The Cupid’s Bow is a beautiful touch, and truly brings the whole concept together.
Name: Hesperian Hat
Acquisition: Elysian Wilds loot
Name: Bear Bones Medium Chestwear
Acquisition: Craftable
Name: Trapper Medium Handwear
Acquisition: Open-world loot
Name: Shadow Hunter Medium Legwear
Acquisition: Quest Reward
Name: Bear Bones Medium Footwear
Acquisition: Craftable
Primary Weapon
Name: Cupid’s Bow
Acquisition: Cash Shop
Secondary Weapon
Name: Orichalcum Spear
Acquisition: Craftable
Get the Look is a series of articles that showcase individual outfit choices. If you’d like to add your look to the site, please submit your details via our online form.