Housing Feature – Seafoam Sleep

Have you ever been to this tiny house in Mourningdale? The 5,000g abode is located near the centre of the settlement and overlooks all the crafting and refining stations. The generous balcony gives you a wonderful view of the whole town. This single room house is an alluring, and somewhat commonly owned place, despite it’s storage limits.

Today I am featuring the house of Ozdenious of Delos, who has a whopping 202,030 points with this beauty, easily putting them at the top of the leaderboard.

As you walk into the place, there is a warm and inviting fireplace to the left. Ozdenious has utilised this wall for a couple of storage options. Some Ash Wall Shelves with Low Apothecary Cabinets on them on the far left of the photo. The one allowed storage chest for the place, an Iron Storage Chest, is found sat underneath the beautiful “Ocean’s Daughter” Painting, a cash shop item. On the right of the fireplace, an Ash Large Bookcase has been used to wonderfully fill in that empty space. The various bottles, including Square Earthenware Jars and Decorative Glass Bottle, bring a neat but lived-in feel to the place.

In front of the fireplace itself sits a dainty Graceful Teak Table, with two Maritime Velvet Armchair around it, which seem to be placed with distance to actually sit in them! On the table itself, there is a perfect amount of clutter, using the Pirate Monarch’s Treasure Map, which is in the cash shop alongside the painting.

You can also just make out the wall hanging, Pirate Monarch’s Golden Plaque, and the sole light of the house, the Pirate Monarch’s Chandelier.

This far corner is reserved as the bedroom of the house. With a grand Sea Foam Velvet Captain’s Bed underneath the Sunset Baldachin. This space is vibrant, with the vivid red of the matching curtain and canopy, contrasted with the soft seafoam colour of the bed’s sheets.

On the walls there are multiple trophies, the Major Engineering Crafting Trophy, Minor Lost Combat Trophy, and Minor Wildlife Combat Trophies visible in the above image. Ozdenious has utilized the Ash Wall Shelf again under the window, this time adorned with a Paper-wrapped Parcel. Either side of this windowsill there are Pirate Monarch’s Octopus Vases which remind us of the expensive nature of this house.

In this corner closer to the door, there is the Pirate Monarch’s Treasure Throne. Alongside this, there is an Basic Armoring Crafting Trophy, one of my personal favourites in houses, although this use may be seen as lacking. On the same wall as the door lies more storage, this time a Short Barrel Countertop, which seems to be able to be used for cooking or food preparation. The Teak Dresser next to this acts as even more bench space, this time stacked with more treasures of the sea.

As we make our way to the only other space in the house, the balcony, we find that the chilly winds of Grayvale City have greatly effected this poor house. As a great contrast to the warm and inviting interior, this balcony is adorned with frozen furniture and decor, creating quite the eyesore!

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