Tarn, Barn, and Forge; Hellfire, Indomitable, Fiendish

what in tarnation

“Tarn at last, Tarn at last, thank God almighty we have Tarn at last”. The mutations have finally rotated around to Glacial Tarn, which I’m sure many people will be happy about. It’s also time for server merges this week, so those who are lucky enough to get some new friends will have more people to play with. Forge is going to be nice synergy with the Fire mutation, and Fiendish isn’t an awful Curse. Perhaps we’ll get some mutations done this week.

Dynasty, Tempest, and Depths; Eternal, Oppressive, Censored

So, no Glacial Tarn again this week, showing AGS do not respond to pressure from the community. To be honest, this just continues to highlight the problems with the mutation rotation system. It would have been nice if Season 7 had provided a real revamp. Anyway, get out your amethysts this week for the Void mutation, and I’m sure someone will be happy to pick up the Butcher, Lost Stopwatch or the Magnetic Gauntlets (if you can get into a Tempest that doesn’t immediately get abandoned by the group, that is)…

Laz, Savage, and Starstone; Icebound, Barbaric, Desiccated

An intrepid healer lies prone in a dimly lit subterranean ruin, populated with skeletal enemies. Screenshot from the entrance of the Lazarus Instrumentality in New World.

Outcries of “No Tarn!!!” were heard echoing across Aeternum as the mutations rotated this afternoon. As players come down off their Outpost Rush high after the successful preview weekend, the cold reality of repeated expeditions fits the mood…

Starstone, Savage, and Forge; Overgrown, Indomitable, Fiendish

It’s all happening this week, with the new Siege of Sulfur event running and an exciting sneak peek into the new Outpost Rush map over the weekend, however it’s worth making time for mutations as well. This is the first time Empyrean Forge has been mutated since Season 7 was launched, so we’ll get our first look at the new Rapier artifact. It’s always nice to see a couple of jewelry artifacts up for grabs from the other two expeditions, and we have some mild synergy with Nature and Savage Divide…

Siege of Sulfur

Siege of Sulfur

Save the Sandwurm! Despite containing a terrifying creature that spews acid and can destroy us with a single bite, Brimstone Sandwurm Eggs are rare and precious. We have the opportunity to protect these eggs from vicious attacks by Sulfur Elementals. But don’t imagine you have to do this out of the goodness of your heart, there are rewards for successfully defending even one egg…

No event

a blank cloudy sky

Turkulon has left our shores for another year. Stay tuned for the next event, which will be Winter Convergence on December 10.

Season 7 Season Pass Guide

a skull crossed with two flaming axes

This is the first season to include Seasonal servers, which only last for the duration of the season and have their own special journey and rewards. To earn these rewards, you will need to make a new character on a Seasonal world, and complete objectives. Any skins, titles, or furniture items will be account-bound and available on your main character.

Barnacles, Tempest, and Dynasty: Eternal


With the release of Season 7, this is our first go at Unified Mutations. We’ve been pretty lucky to draw two synergistic expeditions for our Void mutation – Tempest and Dynasty. The curse is also a gentle one, I’d much prefer a Dip and Nae Nae over the wild chaos of Frenzied. M3 has been added to the Activities Group Finder, but it doesn’t seem as if there are any resistance requirements, so it will be interesting to see how that goes…

Factions, Races, and Wars

The Mourningdale fort in the game New World Aeternum

It’s possible to play New World and completely ignore the faction system, but if you do you’re missing out on bonuses and a whole new area of gameplay. This guide will help you choose a faction and explain what you can do once you’re in one…