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Landi is an avid furniture collector and regular DPS for Don't Die Alone. She contributes to the Mutation Rotation and Faction Control series of articles.


Open Beta Data Leak – Black Dye?!!

In the early hours of the morning, Delos server time, AGS uploaded the Open Beta code, even though the beta test isn't until next weekend. Of course, nwdb.info updated their PTR version with the

Official News

Open Beta coming soon!

It feels a bit strange to talk about a Beta for a game we've been playing for almost three years, but that's because we're merging an old community in with a new one made up

Seasonal Event

No event

Today's Update 4.0.3 marks the end of the Legacy of Crassus Event. Stay tuned for the next event, the Year of the Dragon, coming soon!


Trial of the Devourer

This guide is a work in progress, aimed at helping us defeat the Sandwurm. Information has been gathered from a variety of sources, with special thanks to Katuii from the Hermanos and Kringled from the