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New World Clues and Speculation

 New World Clues and Speculation

Predicting the future of New World

There is much speculation across the New World community about the BJA (Big June Announcement) and continued developments and updates of the game. In the March 2024 Dev Q&A, Game Director Scot Lane told us to look for hints, so here we are. If you have your own ideas about any clues you’ve picked up or predictions for the future, please leave a comment below.

Open World PVPness

A popular guess for the BJA is that there will be a new PVP mode. In a Forged in Aeternum Community Q&A from July 2023, Scot and Katy talked about “long term … plans to push well past” the Influence Races.

Cutlass Keys PVP mode

One of the big rumours circulating is that Cutlass Keys will have a PVP Island in the south-west corner. This was first floated on the r/newworldgame subreddit, and taken a bit more seriously after seeing datamined files and undressed text pop-ups in the recent PTR, all pertaining to PVP. The image links from that post have all been deleted but Delosian MaleOreo has a video from the PTR.

Fresh Start

There’s also a possibility new fresh start servers could be considered now that the revamped Main Story Quest is finished, according to this comment from Katy last year. Although it is unlikely we would see them in the same format as we previously saw them!

Anniversary Announcement

Summer Game Fest, an annual global preview of what’s happening in video games, is scheduled for early June which would coincide with the timing for the BJA. Could this be an anniversary revsist of their New World Deep Dive three years ago?

New Enemy Race?

New enemies are fun and a new race could bring depth and variety to the game. Werewolves and Vampires are teased at the end of the RotAE cutscene, but what other clues have been left around? 

When asked about Angry Earth themed Invasions, Scot Lane mentioned the possibility of doing another race in the future.

Arachnid Appearance

The Hercyne Reindeer from Elysian Wilds was added to the Syndicate Enclave prior to the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion release, and at the bottom right you can see a giant spider. Which is also located in Hortus Gorgon – the only petrified creature in that area not currently in the game.

Your ideas

What hints have you noticed being dropped, or what speculations would you make about the future of New World? Comment below to share your ideas.

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