Get the Look – mAsTerCheeM edition

A man has been spotted in Ebonscale Reach capital. Going by the moniker, mAsTerCheeM the Turkey Terminator, he was resplendent in vibrant splashes of colour. These are definitely bold choices, I mean, I, personally, would never have gone with this, but I respect it. Even the weapons match.

We’re going to take a deep dive into what he is wearing.

The key here is colour, as most of the pieces are well-known craftable items. The two analogous blues combined with the high contrast accent of the red in just one section of the armour as well as the weapons really makes this work.

I theorise that he is wearing the following pieces, based on the fact that he is using a life staff and void gauntlet.

The interesting thing about this outfit is that the boots don’t really match, but they are not out of place. They create some variation and interest. This was definitely the most difficult piece to track down out of the set.

I helped Landi recreate this look and I think we nailed it! You can see that the coat doesn’t sit as well on the feminine body type and that mAsTerCheeM’s facial colouring really complimented the outfit, compared to Landi’s darker looks.

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