New World Fashion Contest Winner

And the winner is ...

BlackArrow from the Maramma server took home the 100,000 Marks of Fortune and 5 Transmog tokens from the official New World Community Convergence Fashion Contest this week.

We love the colour coordination in this outfit, from the vibrant reds to the silvery metallic tones. The creative use of the Engineer’s shirt with the ever-popular and difficult-to-acquire Avenging Pauldrons works really well. Taking the screenshot in Brimstone was a great idea, because the light is so bright and clear, allowing all the details of the costume to shine.

A plethora of quality entries

There were so many quality entries we wanted to preserve and share them all. We’ve sorted them into servers and you’ll notice a single lonely entry from Delos – this is because we were excluded by AGS’ rules. But never fear, we’re holding our very own contest to make up for it!

EU Central region

Aaru server

Kronos server

US East region

Lilith server

US West Region

El Dorado server

Isabella server

SA East region

Artorius server

Devaloka server

AP Southeast region

Delos server

We do have players from the US and Europe on Delos, so perhaps that’s why this lonely entry slipped through. If you would have liked to participate but couldn’t because you actually live in the South-east Asian region, we have a special competition just for you. 200k in prizes with 100k to the winning entry. Check out the details here.

No server listed

Well done!

Wow! What an amazing collection of images, with everyone deserving congratulations. If you saw your picture here and would like to tell us more about it, we would love you to submit to Get The Look via our handy online form.

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