The bunnies finally return!
After seasonal disturbances on Aeternum this year, the Rabbit’s Revenge event-ually starts on June 4 after the update and runs until June 18. We get a couple of new rewards to sweeten the return, as well as everyone’s old favourites. Look forward to increasing your Sumptuous Rabbit stocks while culling corrupted cottontails on the Eternal Isle.
New Rewards
Nice to see some new rewards this year. We have a flail and an armour skin set, as well as a very rare emote that is not guaranteed to drop.
This is an interesting item. It drops at 700 GS and doesn’t appear to be upgradable. The final perk is unique and mysterious.
It comes with 38 Strength, Thwarting Trip, Refreshing Move, a gem slot, and …
Rabbit’s Revenge: Not even Stanley can withstand the corruptive power of this weapon.
0.5% drop chance
Guaranteed drop after 350 kills
Cosmetic chestwear skin
Limit: 1 per event
The emote is the only reward that’s not guaranteed, however there is a trick to getting it. The clue is in one of the other rewards.
Returning Rewards
The original Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare is back, with its huge 1050 storage capacity. Players who received this the first time the event was run were also able to get another one last year, so we have hope that we can collect our third this time around.
Since the Bunny Mask is a cosmetic, I imagine only those who don’t already have one will receive this. Definitely a fun skin to collect for those who don’t have it.
Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare
0.25% drop chance
Guaranteed drop after 400 kills
1050 storage capacity
Limit: 1 per event
1.5% drop chance
Guaranteed drop after 200 kills
Cosmetic head skin
Limit: 1 per event
Daily Rewards
This is the new place to pick up your Diamond Gypsum. Each rabbit has a 66% chance to drop one and you can collect 6 per day. You can also receive up to 5 Defiled Rabbit’s Foot each day, which is a consumable that increases Luck.
Diamond Gypsum – 66% drop chance – 6 per day
Defiled Rabbit’s Foot – 80% drop chance – 5 per day
Where are the Rabbits?
All rabbits are corrupted for this event, so anywhere you would usually see rabbits is a good place to hunt. Since rabbits are prolific, it’s tempting to say they are everywhere, but you can head to the Aeternum Map site to see exactly where the populations are most dense. We’ve provided a handy map graphic below to make it easier to see at a glance.
From the source:
You can visit a direct link here, or read a copy of the news below:
Rabbit's Revenge 2024
Greetings, adventurers!
The furry little killers are back for even more explosive vengeance. Corrupted rabbits will roam the wilds of Aeternum from June 4 through June 18. Hunt or be hunted in pursuit of new and returning event-specific loot. This rabbit season includes a corrupted Flail, a corrupted armor skin, and an emote that only the most corrupt Adventurers will discover. All rewards except for the emote are guaranteed after a certain number of corrupted rabbits have fallen.
Check out the full reward breakdown below.
Help cull the plague for daily and special event rewards. Rewards reset at 5 a.m. local time. For example, if you grab six Diamond Gypsum at 4:58 a.m., you’ll be able to earn another at 5:01 a.m.
Each corrupted rabbit can drop the following:
Diamond Gypsum – (66% Drop Chance)
Daily Limit: 6 per day
Defiled Rabbit’s Foot (80% Drop Chance)
Consumable Item: Increases Luck
Daily Limit: 5 per day
Corrupted Rabbit Mask (1.5% Drop Chance)
Head Skin
Guaranteed after defeating 200 corrupted rabbits.
Limit: 1 per event
Corruption’s Peak Weapon (1% Drop Chance)
Guaranteed after defeating 300 corrupted rabbits.
Limit: 1 per event
Corruption’s Barricade Skin (0.5% Drop Chance)
Armor skin
Guaranteed after defeating 350 corrupted rabbits.
Limit: 1 per event
Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare (0.25% Drop Chance)
Housing Item
Guaranteed after defeating 400 corrupted rabbits.
Limit: 1 per event
We look forward to your help in clearing this infestation. Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.
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