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ABYZZMOS' Invasion Arcane Marksman
This build is mainly for Invasions and the killing of Corrupted. Their main weaknesses are Thrust and Arcane. This build is elemental damage so this is for Arcane. With such an investment in the INT stat (150) for the musket to shine and the perk for elemental damage, I feel that Sapphire gems in both weapons are nice to have. It also looks pretty and I like to kill with style! xD
Build Summary
- Musket
- Bow
Best for:
- Invasions
Main Attributes:
- Dexterity
- Intelligence
This includes things that prevent damage such as blocks, stuns, roots, staggers.

This includes things that strengthen the team and mitigate damage, such as healing, buffing and debuffing.

This is pretty self-explanatory and covers raw damage output, including damage over time.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Weapon Ability Trees
I mainly use Rain of Arrows on bow to hit AoE damage because that’s the standard for any invasion bow and every bit of damage helps even if bow isn’t the primary weapon. I also like to run Rapid Shot for the bosses and Pen Shot for the mobs and just because it’s to get a double shot off (after a normal left click).
The musket is the main damage and the bow is an off-hand in this build. I’ve ran the same bow setup when it was my primary weapon and I still recommend it.
As for the musket I run Shooter’s Stance because of having five fast shots, Powder Burn and Power Shot. Normally Powder Burn is the first ability to use as a musket but I like to Power Shot an enemy wave if my Rain of Arrows is still on cooldown.
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Attribute distribution
I mainly run 50 CON at a minimum because I have one CON piece. I got 25 STR just for the extra 5% light attack damage. 150 INT is what I’m running with the 391 DEX for damage and nothing in FOC. I don’t feel that the 25 FOC perk for 5% ability cooldown reduction is too necessary. Rain of Arrows is usually off cooldown the moment the next lot of enemies spawn up.
The food I use is the Banana Parfait which gives a +44 to CON. I set Magnify to INT so I can get the split how I want it.
Important perks
The weapons are the Syncretic Musket and Syncretic Bow. Keep in mind that Keenly Jagged doesn’t stack and the same with the same Attunement types. I run Arboreal Attunement for both. I also have two Sapphires with Arcane Runeglass. Again, this is in mind of me only using one weapon at a time or for hitting multiple enemies in two different directions with the exception of some bosses.
I use Empowering Shooter’s Stance, Penetrating Rapid Shot and Lasting Rain of Arrows. Having BIS three perk armor isn’t necessary so you can go wild with two main perks in mind. The main perk for the armor is Arcane Harnessing. I use Arcane Runglasses and whatever gems of choice.
This can be quite expensive but if you can’t get Arcane Runeglass then Sighted should be fine for the cheaper alternative. I made my invasion build to adapt and evolve.
I also have a Nullifying Oblivion piece. This was for when I was running Lifetaker with bow. The artifact is Magnify and it’s in place of a DEX weapon.
Creed Boots are the artifact armor that I use. The Ambush perk is for doing extra damage when hitting my first attack on waves of mobs.
I run Arcane Damage on an Azoth Crystal Ring and I use a Void Protection amulet. There’s nothing to it apart from those.
My advice
I start off with Rain of Arrows on mobs and then switch to musket. For bosses I hit Powder Burn, Shooter’s Stance and then roll out of that (for instant reload) to fire a Power Shot. Switching to the bow with a left click + Rapid Shot + left click + Pen Shot also gets thrown into the mix when I want to avoid reloading the musket. I mainly do this with Brutes and Spriggans.
Try to avoid Regenerating on your earring because of pulling aggro. You will aggro lot of infantry and snipers with Rain of Arrows if it doesn’t kill them. The last thing you want is a bear chasing you if you haven’t shot it first.
Watch for Commanders too. They can be easy to avoid and kite but they can one-shot you. Although defending the gate is the main priority, it is better to shoot at the trebuchets that launch the bison (or cows) into the fort. If you are on the rotation group then you will be needed to shoot the eyes of the “Head Spawns”.
I am not a rotation player but most of the “rotatoes” as we call them will sit on a gate until the Head Spawn phases start or if they are called to assist another gate. Knowing your server and invasion regulars can also help with how much damage you do. If well-known top scorers are on a certain gate and you are on rotation then you will want to go to a gate that isn’t stacked with high damage dealers.
If your invasion runners have experience and know you as a regular then they should put you where they will need you. Whether on rotation or on a gate.
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