Terrifying Turkey Time!

Everyone’s favourite monster is back – the world’s biggest turkey! Time to terminate this Turkey for your chance to collect unique skins and house items as well as stock up on your lucky Turkey Legs for the year ahead. Turkulon runs from the downtime on November 20 (Delos server time) until December 3/4.

Getting Prepared

It’s tempting just to go straight to the big turkey itself, and spam with the zerg for your chance at daily rewards. For the first couple of days, this will probably work. After the crowds die down, however, you might want to buff up with Turkey Wards and Coatings, to get through the fight quicker and more safely. To get these, you need to chase down some of Turkulon’s smaller brethren – the humble turkey.

Regular turkeys are where you can get your event gypsum now, with the normal daily limit of 6 per day. You also have a 33% chance of getting a Turkey’s Treasure, which contains some gold coin, so make sure you remember to kill a few turkeys each day.

To get the event-specific loot, you’ll need to skin them using a special skinning knife, the Turklon’s Claw. These have a 20% chance of dropping when you kill a turkey and you can keep it as your skinning knife after the event if you want it. It has bonuses to skinning XP, yield, and luck, as well as the event-specific perk.

When you skin a regular turkey using the Turkulon’s Claw, you have a chance of receiving extra loot.

The Infused Turkey Coatings and Infused Turkey Ward potions are especially helpful once the initial popularity of the event dies down. If you still need a drop or just want to get your 5 Turkey Legs a day, it’s a lot easier to fight Turkulon with a small group, or even solo, if you have these buffs. The Luck Potion might be worth trying if there’s a stubborn drop you’re missing or if you’re running out of time.

How to fight Turkulon

To fight Turkulon, have a look on the map for the big turkey icon. You can also look for a raid group in Global or Recruitment chat, they might be saying x Turkey or x KFC.

The turkey can spawn in Mourningdale, Restless Shore, Brightwood, Everfall, Windsward, Monarch’s Bluff, Cutlass Keys, and Elyisan Wilds. You can find the exact locations on Aeternum Map.

It’s not a hard fight, especially if there’s a large group. Watch out for exploding eggs and the laser beam glare and get out of the way if Turkulon starts pecking wildly.

The Rewards

There are some fun skins and furniture items from this event. Each year adds a new skin, with the Juicy Calves footwear skin being the original, the Grand Gobbler war hammer skin arriving last year, and the new one for this year is the Drumstick of Death flail skin.

The furniture items include a fun pet and an egg seat, plus the awesome Feast-o-Plenty trophy which increases the duration of food buffs by 25%. You can get one of these each year and just as I felt the great satisfaction of putting up my third, a niggling doubt sent me to check the listing on nwdb.info. Sadly, this trophy has a max stack of 1 instead of 3, so there’s no point collecting more than one. Boooo AGS!!

Turkey Dinner

Finally, the Turkulon event is your chance to stock up on Luck food for the year. The first five Turkulons you kill per day will drop a Massive Turkey Leg. You can take this to a Kitchen and use it as an ingredient in a special Legendary cooking recipe to make the Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner. If you’re not interested in Luck or Cooking, consider selling these to Buy Orders on the Trading Post 🙂

From the source:

You can visit a direct link here, on the official New World website.

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