Factions, Races, and Wars

The Mourningdale fort in the game New World Aeternum

It’s possible to play New World and completely ignore the faction system, but if you do you’re missing out on bonuses and a whole new area of gameplay. This guide will help you choose a faction and explain what you can do once you’re in one…

Savage, Starstone, and Depths; Ice, Fire, Void

It’s a week of trinkets, with the Blooddrinker ring, Endless Thirst earring, and Lost Stopwatch amulet all up for grabs. A little synergy with Void Depths, but nothing like what we saw last week…

Tempest, Genesis, and Forge; Void, Nature, Fire

We have a trifecta of synergy this week, with a Nature mutation for Genesis, a Fire mutation for the Forge, and a Void mutation for Tempest. So less swapping around for boss fights this week, makes it nice and chill. We’re thinking Empyrean Forge might be a nice one to try an M3 on, as long as we can get through the Commander Marius fight!

Dynasty, Ennead, & Laz; Void, Fire, Nature

New Year, new mutations. We hope everyone has a very safe and enjoyable holiday period and for those who are spending their leave from work gaming, here are some mutations to play with. There is some nice synergy with Fire Ennead and Void Dynasty, so you won’t need to be swapping gems for boss fights if you choose to do the higher mutations there. Some nice artifacts, especially the Butcher, which places Dynasty as my number 1 pick for this week.

Barney’s, Tarn, and Starstone; Ice, Void, Fire

Barnacles and Black Powder New World Mutation

Merry Christmas Mutations! We have some excellent artifacts this week, so hopefully you can loot yourself a holiday gift. For new players, it’s worth heading into Starstone to get yourself Blooddrinker. This ring is for special occasions, when you need to keep yourself alive, and is definitely worth having in your pocket. Anyone who’s thinking of trying out a tank build should make sure they do Barney’s for the Void Darkplate. Finally, we have Glacial Tarn, which is great for chasing those heavy Frigid Dawn pieces. Stay sage these holidays, be kind to one another in those random mutations, and I hope the RNG gods give you everything you wished for.

Forge, Laz, and Gen; Ice, Nature, Void

It’s opposite week with an Iced-up Forge, plus an Overgrown Instrumentality and Eternal Garden. Nothing quite lines up, so it will be interesting to see which one the Random queue puts us in most often.

Depths, Tempest, and Tarn; Fire, Ice, Nature

With Update 1.1.4 happening this evening, let’s hope the mutations don’t rotate around again. They’ve been stable for the last few patches so I’m fairly confident they won’t. If you can drag yourself away from the Winter Convergence, or OPR with weapon and item fixes, then we have three mutations for you to enjoy – an Overgrown Tarn for some Frigid Dawn armour, an ice-filled Heart of the Tempest, and a Fiery Depths…

Hive of Gorgons

The Hive of Gorgons is New World’s first linear raid. It’s more like an expedition than what we have come to expect from Trials. Adventurers enter a beautifully crafted ruin and venture deep within to find the Hive of Broodmother Medusa. There are three main boss fights, each with loot rewards, plus a reward for clearing the raid at the end. In between, there are smaller fights and puzzles to solve, making this the most in-depth New World experience.

No event

a blank cloudy sky

Turkulon has left our shores for another year. Stay tuned for the next event, which will be Winter Convergence on December 10.

Savage, Starstone, and Dynasty; Fire, Void, Nature

Savage Divide

Say goodbye to the Turkey and hello to three new mutations this week. It’s a fiery and savage Savage Divide, void Starstone, and Overgrown Shipyard. With the desiccated curse, Starstone is probably the easiest for M3.