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Landi is an avid furniture collector and regular DPS for Don't Die Alone. She contributes to the Mutation Rotation and Faction Control series of articles.

Official News

The Organ in the Spotlight

With all our focus being on the Delos Fashion Comp last week, I completely forgot to post our big news about being featured in official AGS media. Leela from Eye on Aeturnum and community manager

Fashion News

Fashion Comp Winners Announced

The Delos Fashion Photo Competition winners were announced this evening, live on Narokstar's stream. Lish and I spent the weekend deliberating, adding the criteria up in a spreadsheet and reviewing the details of every image...


All About Artifacts

Artifacts are special items that have unique perks. There are various ways to acquire them, as well as quests to unlock their perks and decisions to be made about what final perk to add when

Official News

Community Convergence

For the final weeks of silence about the BJA, the New World Team has chosen to turn the focus onto the players, with three weeks of competitions, gifts, community spotlights, and double XP weekends. While