And the winner is .... Loving Mum!
The Delos Fashion Photo Competition winners were announced this evening, live on Narokstar‘s stream. Lish and I spent the weekend deliberating, adding the criteria up in a spreadsheet and reviewing the details of every image, until we finally came up with our top 6. It was incredibly difficult and there were many more than six amazing submissions that we wish we could have given prizes to.
The top six
We proudly present the winners. Loving Mum ( who streams as witchy_mum) took out the top prize of 100,000 gold, a well-deserved win with her Invasion Archer asserting dominance over the Corruption. ABYZZMOS, Meldyy, Muninn, Mochiyx, and Merkavar took home the 10,000 gold runners-up prizes, and it was a very tight race. Bit of a theme with all those Ms!
I’ve taken the liberty of resizing the images for uniformity, through the magic of generative fill, as well as tweaking a few details like changing the flags on ABYZZMOS’ fort and removing the x-ray body from standing behind objects. I hope you enjoy the gallery.
Our fantastic fashionistas!
All the images we received were really high quality and we’re so proud of our Delosians. Of all the servers to submit images to the official AGS Fashion competition, only Maramma sent in more than we received. We have a total of twenty amazing entries and appreciate every single one.
Thank you so much for joining in.
Voting for the People's Choice 50k prize is Open until Friday 31 May
The People’s Choice has an extra week to allow contestants to hustle up more votes for themselves. Tell your friends and family to head over to the Utopian Organ discord server and vote for your entry. The white tick in a green box is the only react that counts as a vote and there is one vote per person. We will be using a spreadsheet to cross reference!
Voting will close at 8pm Delos server time (AEST) on Friday May 31 and the winner announced soon after.
Submit your Look to the Organ
We would love everyone who entered to please get in touch and submit your transmog, using our handy online form here. We don’t collect email addresses with the form, so keep an eye out in the Fashion section of the discord in case we have any questions. If the form is too much (ummm, we may have been a bit sadistic with the dye section), just fill in as much as you can or send images via the discord instead. We’re looking forward to adding to our Get the Look collection.
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