Season 2 is here!
The theme of Season 2 is Blood of the Sands, where we finally meet the elusive Sandwurm of Brimstone Sands. The seasonal quest involves helping an ancient group called the Blood of the Sands find the eggs of the Devourer. It should all kick off on July 6, if things stick to schedule, and we can start on our new Season Pass.
After noticing the difference in the speed players were able to complete Season 1, we’ve included a guide on how to level Season XP quickly using Activity Cards. We also list all the tasks for the Journey Chapters and Challenges, and have marked the ones we think are easiest to complete. Finally, we have a list of all the Rewards, so you can look ahead and see what you’d like to get, and whether you think the Premium track is worth it for you.
Ignore the Bonus XP
While it is very tempting to fulfill our need for completion by finishing lines and whole cards, the bonus XP is simply not worth the time it takes. Instead, you need to look for the three quickest and easiest tasks, preferably stacking more than one type at the same time. Complete 3 stamps and hand in the card. If you can easily get a 4th that will make up a line, do that. Check the free re-roll before you hand the card in.
Some good Task combos
- Kill 10 Enemies with Bows and Guns + Kill 10 Enemies in Two-Handed Combat + Skin 10 Tier 5 Animals + Gather 5 Tier 5 Resource Nodes
- Kill 10 Beasts + Kill 5 Scorpions + Kill Enemies with Magic + Kill Enemies in the Beds of Ta-Bitjet
- Close 1 Minor Breach + Kill 10 Corrupted + Kill 10 Enemies in One-Handed Combat
You get the idea. You should supply yourself with 4 weapons – 1-handed, 2-handed, a magic weapon and a bow or gun. Look for places close to fast travel shrines to reduce time taken. You can quite often stay in one place for a few cards.
Of course, activities are not always going to align perfectly. Just do the best with what you have and reroll if you need to.
Some Easy Tasks
- Craft Gypsum Orbs – save your gypsum and craft one orb each time this comes up
- Complete Town Project Missions – if you carry some potions, food and bait on you, these can be often be instantly completed.
- Play 2 songs. If you play Call of the Ancients Second Flute, it’s very quick and easy
- Participate in Duels. If you have a friend, you can do this very quickly.
- Craft 10 Tier 5 Consumables. If you make your own consumables anyway, just do them 10 at a time when this comes up.
- Refine 50 Tier 5 Resources. If you gather and refine anyway, just refine your Tier 5 resources 50 at a time.
- Use Tier 5 coatings. This can be a bit expensive, so it’s up to you whether you have more time or money.
- Loot 1 Elite Chest. There are a few elite chests at locations close to fast travel shrines, such as the two near Wurmsign Obelisk.
For the PVPers
If you prefer PVP, you can still get a few tasks done in Outpost Rush. Just remember to hand them in as you go, to maximise the Season XP for your time.
- Participate in Outpost Rush
- Get Killing Blows on Enemies in Outpost Rush
- Kill 10 Corrupted
- Kill 10 Angry Earth
- Kill 10 Beasts
- Gather 5 Tier 5 Resource nodes
- Gather 500 Resources
- Skin 10 Tier 5 Animals
The best XP can be earned via the Journey. You get from 850 to 3000 XP per Task and 4500 for completing a Chapter. You don’t need to do every Task to complete a Chapter, so once again you should focus on the easier ones to complete. Our suggestions are marked with an asterix *. If you also get the harder ones, that’s bonus XP.
Doing the Season Questline is a good way to pick up some of the Chapter tasks, as well as the rewards from the Quest itself. Many of the tasks are cumulative, so the 10 Town Projects you did in Chapter 1 also contribute to the 25 in Chapter 3.
Chapter 1
Task | Season XP |
Visit and collect 1 Glyph in Brimstone Sands | 850 |
Craft an item with a Golden Scarab | 1750 |
Complete the Ennead Expedition | 1750 |
Play the song Call of the Ancients with a 4 star rating * [bugged] | 1750 |
Win 5 PvP Arena matches | 1750 |
Capture 2 Faction Control Points [*] | 850 |
Complete 10 Town Projects * | 1750 |
Kill 10 Anubian Guardians | 3000 |
Close 5 Corrupted Breaches * | 850 |
Complete the Quest: Word of a Thief * | 850 |
Complete 4 Objectives from Chapter 1 | 4500 |
Chapter 2
Task | Season XP |
Visit and collect 5 Glyphs in Brimstone Sands | 1750 |
Play 5 songs on Expert difficulty with a full band | 1750 |
Complete 12 Faction Missions * | 1750 |
Complete 3 Activity Cards * | 1750 |
Complete Mutation 1 Ennead | 1750 |
Catch the Brimstone Sands Legendary fish | 1750 |
Win 10 PvP Arena matches | 1750 |
Participate in 3 Outpost Rush matches | 1750 |
Close 5 Major Corrupted Breaches * | 850 |
Complete the Quest: Second Thoughts * | 1750 |
Visit one of the Brimstone Sands Lost Easels * | 850 |
Complete 5 Objectives from Chapter 2 | 4500 |
Chapter 3
Task | Season XP |
Visit and collect 10 Glyphs in Brimstone Sands | 1750 |
Defeat Dawn’s Shariot Khepri in the Solarium | 3000 |
Complete 25 Town Projects * | 1750 |
Complete 10 Activity Cards * | 3000 |
Complete 2 Seasonal Challenges | 3000 |
Kill 100 Dunewalkers | 3000 |
Kill 25 Players for Azoth Salt in the Open World | 3000 |
Craft 25 Gypsum Orbs * | 1750 |
Complete the Quest: The Ordeal of the Nine Gates * | 1750 |
Complete the Quest: Precarious Position * | 3000 |
Complete 5 Objectives from Chapter 3 | 4500 |
Chapter 4
Task | Season XP |
Visit and collect 15 Glyphs in Brimstone Sands | 1750 |
Complete the Hatchery Trial | 1750 |
Craft 10 items with a Golden Scarab | 1750 |
Kill 100 Sulfur Elementals | 3000 |
Kill Rafflebones * | 1750 |
Loots 25 Elite Chests in Sulfur Pools | 3000 |
Complete the Brimstone Sands Main Story | 3000 |
Capture 8 Faction Control Points * | 1750 |
Participate in 10 Outpost Rush matches * | 850 |
Complete the Quest: Empty Nest * | 1750 |
Gather 15 Prismablooms * [only Desert Prismablooms from Brimstone Sands work] | 1750 |
Slay Heka of the Crossroads * | 1750 |
Complete 6 Objectives from Chapter 4 | 4500 |
Chapter 5
Task | Season XP |
Complete the Sandworm Trial | 3000 |
Complete Mutation 10 Ennead | 3000 |
Visit and collect 26 Glyphs in Brimstone Sands | 3000 |
Loots 100 Elite Chests in Sulfur Pools | 3000 |
Craft 30 Runeglass Gems * | 1750 |
Complete 25 Faction Missions * | 1750 |
Catch 1000 pounds of Fish * | 3000 |
Kill 30 Named enemies in Brimstone Sands * | 1750 |
Earn 30000 PvP XP | 3000 |
Complete the Quest: Remembrance * | 1750 |
Close 30 Corrupted Breaches * | 3000 |
Slay the menace Stubbles the Goat-King * | 1750 |
Kill 500 Dunewalkers | 3000 |
Complete 7 Objectives from Chapter 5 | 4500 |
Task | Title | Season XP |
Complete the Sandworm Trial Flawlessly | Heart of the Desert | 4500 |
Complete the Hatchery Trial in under 10 minutes | Hasty Hatcher | 4500 |
Complete 5 Mutation 10 Expeditions Flawlessly | Mutation God/dess | 4500 |
Kill Rafflebones 3 times * | Bones of Fortune | 4500 |
Complete the Blood of the Sands Seasonal Story * | Friend of the Sands | 4500 |
Get 300 Killing Blows on Players | Blood God/dess | 4500 |
Win 100 Arena matches on the new map | Dune Arena Champion | 4500 |
Earn 10 Fishing Aptitude Levels | Bloodfisher | 4500 |
Craft 100 items with a Golden Scarab | Golden Artisan | 4500 |
The Season Pass has a range of rewards available for you as you level. You get the rewards on the Free track simply by earning Season XP, but will need to pay 20,000 Marks of Fortune to access the Premium Track Rewards. If you buy the Premium Track after you have already levelled some or all of the Season Pass, you will get the rewards for all the levels you have completed.
Some interesting reward totals for completing the Pass (total including Premium in brackets):
Free | Premium | |
1 | Seasons Welcome Gift
| Sandstorm Welcome Chest
2 | 500 Umbral Shards | Buckler of the Briar Rose Skin |
3 | Weapon XP Booster | Worm Dance emote |
4 | 10 Vials of Suspended Azoth | Seasons Dyes Gift A selection of 4 colors of dye |
5 | 500 Marks of Fortune | 1000 Marks of Fortune |
6 | Seasonal Furniture Chest
| Sandstorm Furniture Chest
7 | Seasons Dyes Gift
| Transmog Token |
8 | Gathering XP Booster | Desert Prowler’s Pickaxe Skin |
9 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | Longsword of the Briar Rose Skin |
10 | Dry-Blood Leather Chaps Skin | Sun-Baked Baldaquin Camp Skin |
Free | Premium | |
11 | Seasons Weapon Gift
| Sandstorm Weapon Chest
12 | 500 Umbral Shards | 1500 Umbral Shards |
13 | Seasons Jewelry Gift
| Sandstorm Jewelry Chest
14 | Proficiency Booster | Box of Chitin Supplies
15 | Transmog Token | Great Axe of the Briar Rose Skin |
16 | Seasons Crafting Gift
| Sandstorm Crafting Chest
17 | 500 Coins | 3000 Coins |
18 | Season XP Booster | Transmog Token |
19 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 5 Gypsum Orbs |
20 | Dry-Blood Sand Waders Skin | 1000 Marks of Fortune |
Free | Premium | |
21 | Seasons Armor Gift
| Sandstorm Armor Chest
22 | 500 Umbral Shards | 2 Territory Standing Boosters |
23 | Seasons Elemental Gift
| Sandstorm Elemental Chest
24 | 10 Vials of Suspended Azoth | 20 Vials of Suspended Azoth |
25 | Garden of Genesis Expedition Chest
| Desert Prowler’s Azoth Staff Skin |
26 | Seasonal Furniture Chest
| Sandstorm Furniture Chest
27 | 500 Coins | 3000 Coins |
28 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 5 Gypsum Orbs |
29 | Seasons Food Gift
| Sandstorm Food Chest
30 | 500 Marks of Fortune | Musket of the Briar Rose Skin |
Free | Premium | |
31 | Seasons Weapon Gift
| Sandstorm Weapon Chest
32 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 2 Season XP Boosters |
33 | 500 Umbral Shards | 1500 Umbral Shards |
34 | Lazarus Instrumentality Expedition Chest
| Seasons Dyes Gift
35 | Dry-Blood Woven Bracers Skin | 1000 Marks of Fortune |
36 | Seasons Gem Gift
| Seasons Gem Gift
37 | Barnacles & Black Powder Expedition Chest
| 2 Weapon XP Boosters |
38 | 500 Coins | 3000 Coins |
39 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 5 Gypsum Orbs |
40 | 500 Marks of Fortune | Desert Prowler’s Sickle Skin |
Free | Premium | |
41 | Seasons Armor Gift
| Sandstorm Armor Chest
42 | 500 Umbral Shards | Territory Standing Booster |
43 | 10 Vials of Suspended Azoth | Sandstorm Combatant’s Chest
44 | 3 Infused Angry Earth Coating | Box of Chitin Supplies
45 | Tempest’s Heart Expedition Chest
| Desert Prowler’s Knife Tool Skin |
46 | Seasonal Furniture Chest
| Sandstorm Furniture Chest
47 | 3 Infused Angry Earth Ward potions | 2 Gathering XP Boosters |
48 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 5 Gypsum Orbs |
49 | 500 Coins | 2 Proficiency Boosters |
50 | Transmog Token | Rapier of the Briar Rose Skin |
Free | Premium | |
51 | Seasons Elemental Gift
| Sandstorm Elemental Chest
52 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | Seasons XP Booster |
53 | 500 Umbral Shards | 1500 Umbral Shards |
54 | 3 Infused Corrupted Coatings | Seasons Dyes Gift A selection of 4 colors of dye |
55 | The Ennead Expedition Chest
| Desert Prowler’s Fishing Pole Skin |
56 | Seasons Food Gift
| Sandstorm Food Chest
57 | 3 Infused Corrupted Ward potions | Weapon XP Booster |
58 | 500 Coins | 3000 Coins |
59 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 1000 Marks of Fortune |
60 | 500 Marks of Fortune | Spear of the Briar Rose Spear Skin |
Free | Premium | |
61 | Seasons Weapon Gift
| Sandstorm Weapon Chest
62 | 500 Umbral Shards | Territory Standing Booster |
63 | 10 Vials of Suspended Azoth | Sandstorm Combatant’s Chest
64 | 3 Infused Ancient Coatings | Sandstorm Salvage Fragment Chest
65 | The Empyrean Forge Expedition Chest
| Transmog Token |
66 | Seasonal Furniture Chest
| Sandstorm Furniture Chest
67 | 3 Infused Ancient Coatings | Proficiency Booster |
68 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | Season XP Booster |
69 | 500 Coins | Gathering XP Booster |
70 | Dry-Blood Woven Aketon Skin | Hatchet of the Briar Rose Skin |
Free | Premium | |
71 | Seasons Jewelry Gift
| Sandstorm Jewelry Chest
72 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | Season XP Booster |
73 | 500 Umbral Shards | 1500 Umbral Shards |
74 | 3 Infused Angry Earth Coating | 5 Gypsum Orbs |
75 | Seasons Weapon Gift
| Sandstorm Weapon Chest
76 | Seasons Food Gift
| Sandstorm Food Chest
77 | 3 Infused Angry Earth Ward potions | Weapon XP Booster |
78 | 500 Coins | 3000 Coins |
79 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | Season XP Booster |
80 | 500 Marks of Fortune | 1000 Marks of Fortune |
Free | Premium | |
81 | Seasons Armor Gift
| Sandstorm Armor Chest
82 | Starstone Barrows Mutator Chest
| Gathering XP Booster |
83 | Seasons Jewelry Gift
| Sandstorm Jewelry Chest
84 | The Depths Mutator Chest
| Fire Staff of the Briar Rose Skin |
85 | Seasons Salvage Fragment Gift
| Transmog Token |
86 | Seasonal Furniture Chest
| Sandstorm Furniture Chest
87 | Lazarus Instrumentality Mutator Chest
| Proficiency Booster |
88 | 2 Gypsum Orbs | 5 Gypsum Orbs |
89 | Garden of Genesis Mutator Chest
| Territory Standing Booster |
90 | Kite Shield of the Briar Rose Skin | Pocket Sand Emote |
Free | Premium | |
91 | 1000 Umbral Shards | Sandstorm Expertise Chest
92 | Dynasty Shipyard Mutator Chest
| Sun-Bleached Sand Guards Skin |
93 | Seasons Elemental Gift
| Sandstorm Utility Multi-chest
94 | Tempest’s Heart Mutator Chest
| Sun-Bleached Vambraces Skin |
95 | Dry-Blood Leather Visor Skin | Sandstorm Gear Multi-chest
96 | Barnacles & Black Powder Mutator Chest
| Sun-Bleached Leather Chaps Skin |
97 | Ennead Mutator Chest
| Sandstorm Crafting Multi-chest
98 | Sandstorm Combatant’s Chest
| Sun-Bleached Canvas Cloak Skin |
99 | Empyrean Forge Mutator Chest
| Sandstorm Cosmetic Multi-chest
100 | Seasons Champion’s Chest
| Sandstorm Champion’s Chest