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AOE Healer

 AOE Healer

First published in Season 4. Return to the Build Hub.

sirvulcan's AOE Healer

For PVE I find this build great in dungeons. From M1 to M3 it works really well. The combination of the Refreshing, Health, and Enchanted Ward allows me to survive while in light armor but also means I can use my abilities just a bit faster.

While expensive to build I thoroughly enjoy this build. I am quite hooked on healing now after being a DPS since the game’s release.

Build Summary


  • Life Staff
  • Void Gauntlet

Best for:

  • Expeditions/OPR

Main Attributes:

  • Focus

This includes things that prevent damage such as blocks, stuns, roots, staggers.

This includes things that strengthen the team and mitigate damage, such as healing, buffing and debuffing.

This is pretty self-explanatory and covers raw damage output, including damage over time.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Weapon Ability Trees

Primarily AOE heals. Personally I prefer this rather than trying to focus heals on individual people (other than the tank). I can use my area of affect abilities to try and heal as much of my team as I can.

Attribute distribution

I could sacrifice some Con points for Focus though I would just be a little extra squishy.

Important perks


Personally, I prefer the three perks that come with the Fire of Life. Blessed gives me improved healing. The Refreshing Move helps me reduce my cooldowns so I can deal out more Life staff abilities quicker, and lastly, the Fortifying Sacred Ground helps my team survive.

Gems: I use a Diamond on my Life staff for the damage and outgoing healing bonuses at full health.

In terms of the Void Gauntlet, I use Lifetaker so I can get the Negative Energy bonus on my Life staff. Since I’m so low in attributes for the Void Gauntlet its primary role is Oblivion when situations require it. This is paired with Nullifying Oblivion on my armor. Lifetaker does not allow me to set a gem.


  • Refreshing – Being able to use my abilities as fast as possible is essential so I made a point in maxing out on this.
  • Health – This allows me to put more points into focus to give me better heals
  • Enchanted Ward – Since I am in light armor and more likely to take agro being protected as much as I can is important
  • Keen Beacon – This gives my team a chance of getting an extra crit chance in for that extra damage.
  • Nullifying Oblivion – This is important for some M3 mutations for removing buffs from certain enemies


  • The current mutation/event-related protection (e.g. Flame Protection) for my amulet
  • Hearty – Just for that extra dodge
  • Sacred – for improved healing
  • Refreshing Toast – To allow me to heal myself faster with a potion so I’m not wasting a Life staff ability on myself

My advice

I will usually use my Beacon on the tank and then use my Sacred Ground on the remaining team where needed. This may swap around in some situations. If the team’s health continues to drop then I will use my Splash of Light but not before it’s too late since there is a small delay before the heal takes effect.

While this build was originally designed for PVE I have found that I quite enjoy it in OPR.

I find it will often score 5000-10000+ points in OPR assuming its not a one-sided slam. The downside is that I am quite squishy however the combination of Nimble and Hearty allows for easy dodging. This often allows me to get a healing potion and/or splash of light to heal fast. The Brutal Heartrune of Grasping Vines sometimes also buys me enough time to get away too (if it’s charged up).

Since I’m not really killing players often like a DPS there’s no need to worry about my kill-to-death ratio. If I die then I die, I just respawn and get back in the action. I’m happy as long as I can get at least 3000 points since that is what is needed for a max score for your OPR result (win/loss). Though I would never be like one of those “3k and done” people who don’t do much after they get their 3000 points.

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