Interview with The Laze, Fishing Master
- Professions
- Landi
- February 2, 2023
- 1
- 480
We’re here today with The Laze, seriously the most accomplished fisherman in all of New World. He’s got a crazy project in the works at the moment, and he’s here to tell us all about it.
Landi: Hi Laze
The Laze: Hi Landi, how are you?
Landi: Good thanks. Are you happy to have a chat with me today?
The Laze: Always down for a chat
Landi: Awesome, let’s start at the beginning and have a bit of a talk about you.
First of all, what’s your fishing skill?
The Laze: I’m only at aptitude 455 at the moment, almost 456, not quite yet.
Landi: Only, only 455, probably by the time of writing this article you will be at least 456 or beyond.
The Laze: More than likely, yeah.
Landi: And what is it about fishing that draws you to it?
The Laze: I just like it. It’s nice, calm, relaxing. And since everyone hates it, I may as well do it.
Landi: Yeah, sometimes it’s nice to fill a bit of a niche that other people aren’t doing as much, isn’t it?
The Laze: Definitely
So, with that many aptitude levels, have you opened those aptitude crates?
The Laze: Uh, yeah. So when I first started getting the aptitude crates there was an issue. Opening them and receiving some of them. And I’m currently saving up to 100 aptitude chests, which will be done pretty soon. But I open them mostly as I go.
Landi: And what kind of things do you get in these aptitude chests?
The Laze: That is a very good question. I haven’t opened one in a while. I’ll have to go open one in a little bit and we’ll find out. You do get some craft mods, azoth, and bait.
Landi: And so no actual fish or fish ingredients like the Fish Roe or anything?
The Laze: Unfortunately not. It would be nice if that was the case, but unfortunately not.
I also heard that you were banned for bot behaviour. What was that about?
The Laze: Well, I’ve had two AFK botting behaviour warnings in the past. One was pretty recent because I apparently fished too much. And that is impossible, apparently, according to people.
Landi: And how long did they ban you for?
The Laze: The first one was about a week, I think it was. It was either a couple of days or a week. I don’t remember, it’s a long time ago. The last one I got was 24 to 48 hours.
Landi: Yeah, yes, I remember that one. And just for the record, do you use any assistive technology to allow you to fish so much?
The Laze: Only Netflix in the background so I can watch something while I fish. I do not use any programs, we have the Twitch that I do occasionally stream with a brand new hand cam just to prove that I don’t use any programs at all.
Landi: Yeah, and anyone’s who is reading can check out The Laze’s Twitch stream. Do you put your VODs out so that people can have a look and see that hand cam?
The Laze: I do.
Do you participate in any other activities in the game apart from fishing?
The Laze: Um, I don’t as much as I used to. I used to do the occasional expedition with my clanmates or company mates. I haven’t done that for a while because of my chest plan, it just takes up too much time.
Landi: Yeah for sure, and we’re going to talk about that in a minute. I’ve just got a couple more questions in regard to your other gameplay. Do you have any weapon skills levelled?
The Laze: Actually, I do. I only have my life staff and hatchet. That’s all I’ve got.
Landi: Well, that’s all you need really, isn’t it? Keep yourself alive in in two different ways. One, the extra life from the hatchet and the other one healing, and I guess with fishing taking focus life stuff is a very good choice. So, do you want to share with us how much focus you have?
The Laze: At the moment I’m running my normal best-in-slot fishing gear, so it’s not as high as what it can be. I’m only at 346 at the moment. Uh, when I do have my combat fishing gear on tt goes up to around about 420 or 430.
Landi: Wow and you said “combat fishing gear”? When you participate in combat do you wear fishing gear?
The Laze: Yes I do. It is a yellow fishing set.
Landi: Nice and what’s your gear score on that fishing set?
The Laze: 625
Landi: That’s amazing, that might be the only 625 fishing set in the game!
The Laze: I would very surprised if anyone else had one.
So, what is this huge goal you’ve got at the moment?
The Laze: We’re going to get all of the rubbish out of all the oceans and lakes in Aeternum, we’re going to be talking around about 35,000 treasure chests and putting them all into storage. It’s around 35,600 off top of my head.
Landi: Is that maximum storage?
The Laze: Maximum storage across my main character, with all towns and three of my houses having the golden storage chest.
Landi: Wow, do you have absolutely nothing else in storage.
The Laze: Nothing else.
Landi: Not even bait?
The Laze: Not even bait.
Landi: Wow wow, that’s amazing. I can see why you might not be participating in any other aspects of the game because the only thing you can do is fish.
The Laze: That is correct. That’s what I like to do in the game and unfortunately, fishing comes first.
Landi: Have you ever done anything like this before?
The Laze: No, not really. I used to fish in another game called Archeage But that was more sort of stupid behaviour than anything else.
Landi: And do you fish in real life?
The Laze: Uh, no. So, the funny thing is in real life I’m actually allergic to fish.
Landi: Haha, I guess that’s an example of being able to do things in fantasy worlds that we can’t do in real life.
“We’re going to get all of the rubbish out of all the oceans and lakes in Aeternum, we’re going to be talking around about 35,000 treasure chests”
Treasure Chests
I’ve heard you had one of these treasure chest goals before. Did you want to tell us a little bit about that?
The Laze: So, I’ve had a couple. Back when I first started playing, we did like a thousand. Then we did 10,000. And now we’re going all storage across the place.
Landi: So, this 35,000 treasure chests is not all the treasure chests you’ve ever fished in your life. You’ve already fished up another 11,000 treasure chests at least.
The Laze: Easily, yes.
Landi: That’s crazy and how close are you? How many treasure chests do you have so far?
The Laze: I’m only at 8,000 at the moment, so when I get to 8705 we will be nearing one quarter of the way there.
Landi: Wow, so this is a huge long-term goal.
The Laze: It’s going to take months.
Landi: And what do you hope to gain from this project.
The Laze: Something to do for a couple of hours when I unbox them all. It will be about four hours just spamming left click, which yet again I do by hand. I don’t use any clickers or anything like that.
Landi: And will you stream that unboxing?
The Laze: That will definitely be streamed
Landi: With the hand cam?
The Laze: With the hand cam.
Landi: Nice, very nice.
What kind of things do you get out of these chests?
The Laze: So out of the treasure chest you get ingots, gems, you no longer get gold out of it, and you also get that music sheet for one of the fishing songs.
Landi: Right, so ingots, they’re the main things that you’ll be accumulating large amounts of.
The Laze: That is correct.
Landi: And what do you plan to do with those things.
The Laze: With the gems, I’ll probably throw them at someone in the company for fun. Then, with the song sheets, I’ll be just throwing them on the ground because no one really needs a few thousand of them. With the ingots we’ll be smelting them up on a new character, so someone also known as The Slaze, I think it is, will be funnelled from level 2, which is what you start off with now, all the way up to level 60 by smelting, hopefully.
Landi: That will be interesting to see as well, so you only get silver ingots, right … ?
The Laze: You get silver, gold and platinum.
Landi: Oh, you get all three out of it, nice, and then you’re going to use those to make orichalcum?
The Laze: Correct, we roughly estimated anywhere between 40 to 50,000 orichalcum ingots at the end.
Landi: Wow, and in order to get the silver, gold and platinum ingots into orichalcum, you’re going to need extra materials as well, right?
The Laze: That’s right, so it’s quite a lot of all that I’ll need across the board, flux, charcoal. All the fun things that you need in life.
Landi: Have you calculated how much you’re going to need for your projected amount of smelting?
The Laze: Yes, so it’s around about 76,000 gold ore, 128,000 platinum ore, around about 300,000 orichalcum ore, 30,000 and 25,000 charcoal and flux.
Landi: Wow, that is a lot. So obviously with your storage filled with 35,000 treasure chests, you’re not going to be able to store all of those resources. And if you tried to purchase them at the time, the market would probably crash. So what’s your plan for doing all of this smelting?
The Laze: So at the moment we’ve got a whole bunch of company members who will be holding onto ore in the build up to doing the smelting. That way we can save a bit of gold because we’re going to need it, basically. So we can get The Slaze power-levelled right up to level 60.
Landi: Excellent, so you’re turning it into a bit of a community event, which is really nice.
The Laze: Definitely.
Landi: Oh, so we’re just about finished here. Thanks for chatting with me. I’ve just got a couple of last questions.
Do you have any fishing tips for new fisherfolk?
The Laze: So there is a really good guy, he doesn’t play the game anymore as far as I can tell, a guy called Dynomega on YouTube. He gave out a lot of tips on which gear to get. Also, you know, a cheat sheet for where you could find certain fish, which is something that I actually have on my second screen at all times, so I know exactly if I’m hunting, you know, stingrays, where to go.
And yeah, probably find something else to do other than fishing.
Finally, what’s your favourite fish and why?
The Laze: Oh, that’s going to be a hard one. Probably it would have to be the Blue-blooded Barb because I have so many of them and when I was level 16 I learned how to sneak my way into Reekwater to get those fish.
Landi: Yes, oh, that’s a good choice.
Landi: OK, well, thank you so much for chatting with me today. I’m really looking forward to seeing how this project pans out and whether we can get The Slaze powerlevelled, and if so, whether anybody notices.
The Laze: It will be rather fun to watch.
Landi: Yeah, it will be awesome, and we’ll definitely put an article up a bit closer to the time so people can tune into your stream and see you open so many chests for four hours.
The Laze: Appreciate it.
Landi: No worries, thank you
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