Reviewed S3, S4, S5, S6, up to date as of November 2024.
So you think it might be time to try an Elite Chest Run (ECR) or World Tour as it’s sometimes referred to in Recruitment or Global chat?
Since this is something that is run daily by players, a whole language of acronyms has evolved and may be confusing. We’re here to help make sense of what these funny little words mean and how to navigate your way around the World Tour. We’ll start with the original zones, then explore Brimstone and Elysian Wilds.
Elite Chests are the only way to get many of the rare furniture items and schematics. It’s also possible to get Named items for that zone. Dark Matter can drop in small amounts, as well as various goodies you can use or sell to make some gold.
If you see a World Tour or ECR advertised in chat, you can say “x ECR” or “x [place]” to get an invite to a group, which will help you see where others are. Some servers might use + instead of x.
Ebonscale Reach is a unique zone for many furniture schematics and items, especially most of the plants of Aeternum. This is an Elite Corrupted zone, and the best chests are guarded by the toughest enemies. Of note, the rotunda fight at the end of the first sprint can be very tight due to the narrow walkway and boss room behind. You can jump off the edge to de-aggro and jump back over when things are safe. Daisy the Dancing Bear and her mistress can cause a bit of trouble, so make sure you res your friends so there’s someone alive to get you up if you need it. In a pinch, you can jump onto the roof of one of the buildings beside the stairs. As for drops, keep an eye out for that Goldfish in Porcelain Bowl, as well as the Taiyi and Yuanqi named items.
The Siren run is a bit of a chaotic one, and if you need to take a bathroom break, this is probably the time. There are only 10 decent chests and the walkways make running as a group challenging at best. The biggest upside is getting the fast travel at the end, so if you haven’t been through before, make sure you hitch a ride on this train at least once. The (w)anchors throughout the run hit very hard, so just keep dodging. There are also a few bombers to avoid and some named fights that could drop decent loot if you get kill credit. Armorer Hat drops here along with Deepriver and Riptide named items, and a desirable mount attachment.
The Eternal Pools is like an add-on to Siren’s, and some World Tours might skip one or both of them. There are only a few chests and an equal amount of hard fights, so it’s up to you to decide whether to stay in the toilet or join in. Notable drops from here include Glowing Swamp Moss, Protector’s Orbs, plus Deepriver and Riptide named items.
The Mines is the most classic Elite Chest run location. There are a couple of places where corruption ticks, but it’s not enough to need a tincture most of the time. The fights here are relatively easy for a group of players to do, and the amount of Elite Chests makes it a great place to go on a small company run. Some fun drops here include Corrupt Progenitor named items, and another Armorer Hat.
Myrkgard is another classic and even has some bonus corruption portals throughout the city, for a chance at The Abyss and the Grey Wizard’s Hat. The commander enemies are notorious mass murderers so try to hide from their mighty blades. The named drops here used to be some of the best, and always interesting, including an old lucky hatchet that drops all the time. If you don’t have the New Myrkgard Shrine, go ahead and sneak up the mountain to it while the zerg deals with the corruption. Soul Shroud and Corrupt Progenitor named items and the Powerful Strata Mount Charm are some of the fun drops you can get here.
Edit: the starting location has been updated. Check your server, you might still be meeting at the West Entrance. Both directions are on the map. Best thing to do is to “x myrk“ in chat and join the raid to see where they are.
Brimstone chest runs can be quite lucrative with all the new furniture that only drops in this zone. The Wall has some tough fights with multiple psychopomps in the same room, causing devastating AoE damage. If you don’t have all your own glyphs yet, it is important to keep up with the group here, as all chests are in sealed rooms. You might get some Syncretic and Keratin named item drops here, as well as a chance at the Sin hatchet artifact from Colossus of Memnon.
While the camp spot is at the north-east entrance, groups usually gather on the central walkway, which you can also drop down to from the stargate teleporter at Shrine of Thoth.
This is a daytime event just beside Helios itself. If Khepri is up, there is a big fight. Otherwise, you just need to know the glyphs, or wait for someone who does, to open the chests and door.
Helios has the same psychotic Psychopomps we met on the Wall, plus some other big bad bosses. It’s the Myrkgard of Brimstone. My biggest tip for this one is: remember to get the camp!
Be especially careful of the archers, as they do additional fire damage on top of their normal hard hits.
Syncretic and Keratin named items drop here too, as well as Smelter’s gear and some other goodies.
Castrum has some somewhat difficult fights, with archers that do the annoying fire arrows, and cyclops that do massive damage. Stick with the group in here! You might get some Syncretic and Keratin named items too.
Bitjet has a weird run in and above an annoying cave full of blight that you have to deal with, I highly recommend some blight tinctures, and some chitin padding in your armour and powerful incense to increase the time before acid burn hits. Also, don’t pop the eggs!
Attalus Foundry joined the World Tour in Season 2 and was popular for a while, due to the chances of getting Flame Cores, as well as all our other goodies. However, it’s not always included in chest runs any more. There’s a bit of fire and fighting here, so you might want some Flame Protection or drink a Human Ward potion if you’re feeling a bit squishy.
The Island is a crazy and chaotic place. There are bridges that disappear and terrifying jumping puzzles. As well as the chests, there are multiple elite mobs that drop Artifacts on the Island, so you’ll run into various groups on the way. Just do your best to keep up! You might get some Tanglevine and Sporelight named items from this area, as well as some excellent artifacts – Lifetaker, Boltcaster, and Finisher.
There are plenty of Beast Hoards to collect on this stampede through mammoth territory. Stay close to the group in case you don’t have the glyph for communing with the chests and for safety in numbers. Sneaky chameleons and crap-throwing gorillas lurk on the path as well. You can find Tanglevine and Sporelight named items, as well as run into the Odo and Gladiator artifact drops.
This is a good run for Mystic Doubloons, without risking the PVP zone. With 6000 doubloons you can buy the Ghostly Touch and Survivor’s Coat artifacts from the Well of Fortune. You’ll also end up with a lot of oranges and onions. There’s a bit of back and forth in order to cover all the chests on the island, so make sure you keep up with the group to see where you’re going. The Grenadiers and Blunderbuss are pretty deadly here, so try to kill them before looting. Keep an eye out for mobs with fun names, and watch out for bombers!
For your viewing pleasure
Good luck!
To boost your luck and improve your stylishness, you should make yourself a Loot Goblin suit.
Good luck!
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