Gypsum is back, baby!
When expertise was removed in Season 3, there was very little use for gypsum and people started to build stockpiles and wonder what on earth they could do with it. While we no longer need to make Gypsum casts to upgrade our expertise, we do still use Gypsum Orbs as an ingredient in upgrade recipes for gear and heartrunes, as well as to make the Matrix component that is used in Golden Scarab crafting, completing Artifacts, and upgrading Named items to 700GS. If you’re a max level crafter, your huge stash is probably going to run out soon unless you keep it replenished. Even if you don’t craft, you can use 20 orbs to make a Cache of Gold-n-Matter at the Gypsum Kiln, once a week, for 1500 gold and 250 Dark Matter.
There are a few ways to get Gypsum Orbs premade:
- Faction Vendor – If you are at the highest level in your faction, you can buy five gypsum orbs a day, for 7000 faction tokens each.
- Quest Rewards – You will receive orbs as quest rewards in high-level zones. Some of these quests are repeatable, such as the ones outside the Empyrean Forge and Barnacles and Black Powder expeditions.
- Mining – You can harvest a couple from nodes inside the Savage Divide.
- Season Pass – In Season 5, there are 12 Gypsum Orbs on the Free track and 25 more on the Premium track.
You can also craft your own Gypsum Orbs at a Gypsum kiln, which are located in high-level settlements – Farharbour, Fortune’s Crossing, New Corsica, Caliburne – and all Outposts.
You are not restricted by how many normal Gypsum Orbs you can craft in a day, but there is a limit to how much of each type of gypsum you can collect. Gypsum can be collected during specific activities and each type has its own daily limit and amount required to make one orb.
Daily drop limit: 15
5 gypsum = 1 orb
This one is a bit complicated. You can make a Topaz Gypsum Attunement potion at a camp or Arcana station once a day. It requires 5 of any one of the magical creature reagents but I recommend Lifemoth Eyes or Soulwyrm Tongue, as they are not used in other popular recipes. The potion is bind-on-pickup.
When you drink the potion, you will have a chance to loot Topaz Gypsum from level 55+ mobs. The potion is active for 2 hours and will persist through logout.
Introduced with the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, you can also collect Spores from the Elysian Wilds and craft them into a Gypsum Orb, once per day.
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