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Summer Medleyfaire

 Summer Medleyfaire

Fun for Fishing Fanatics and Musical Maestros!

While we huddle in our slippers in the midst of a Delosian Winter, the New World is full of the life and colour of Summer. Capturing the spirit of festival, the Summer Medleyfaire takes us back to when music was first introduced. All the old favourites are back, so if you missed out on picking up any skins or emotes last time, or would like to complete your Mount-A-Catch collection, now is the time.

Event Reputation has been reset, so you’ll need to earn your way back up the ranks in order to access the top tiers of the Event shop.

Sadly, this summer feels like a bit of a letdown for existing players, which is the current trend. Not even Chromatic Seals or Azoth Inductors in the shop. But if you haven’t played the event before and enjoy fishing and music, welcome to a month of fun! We’ll have from June 26 to July 23 to complete our collections and enjoy everything the event has to offer!

How to get Tokens

Behind all the music and fishing, the main grind of this event is the acquisition of Tokens to purchase items from the Event Shop. You can get Tokens from:

  • Medleyfaire Stage Centrepiece in every Settlement once daily (1-5 Tokens per settlement)
  • Performing YAAHH (up to 3 Premium Tokens, 1-5 Tokens per day)
  • Enchanted Aeternum Sturgeon Fishbones (Premium Token)
  • 3 Brilliant Aeternum Sturgeon Scale (1 Token)
  • 10 Aternum Sturgeon Filets (1 Token)
  • 50 Maudlindust (1 Token)

Daily Town Collections

Save your azoth my friends, or work on capturing the Restless Shore fort for free travel, because we’re going to be bouncing from place to place to pick up our loot.

In each town there will be a Medleyfaire Stage Centerpiece that will grant the following daily rewards:

  • 1 Diamond Gypsum (6 per day, level 60+ only)
  • 25 Event Reputation
  • Packed Basket
    • Medleyfaire Tokens (1/3/5)
    • Gold
    • A chance for a Premium Token
    • A chance for Patterns (these are the old ones)

Note: Edengrove settlement Stage Centrepiece is blocked by the statue and cannot be interacted with.

Medleyfaire Villages

There are four villages to visit, in Monarch’s Bluff, Brightwood, Everfall, and Weaver’s Fen. Each Village has a Store, as well as some festival carts, a pyre and a stage.

Each Village has

  • Medleyfaire Stage
  • Medleyfaire Pyre
  • Festival Cart
  • Mount-A-Catch Cart
  • Master of Ceremonies (Medleyfaire Shop and Quest Line)

Medleyfaire Stage

You can dance on the Medleyfaire Stage for 250 Rep each day.


You can also perform the challenging YAAHH song 3 times a day for rewards, even if you do a Bad Performance, you still get a Premium Token, up to 3 per day. Better performances get more rewards – regular Tokens, event reputation and a chance to receive an event pattern.

Note: the patterns you’ll get from this are the old version, not the new ones.

Medleyfaire Pyre

This is where you take your Enchanted Aeternum Sturgeon Fishbones to convert them into a Premium Token. You’ll also get 25 Event Reputation.

Festival Cart

The Festival Cart is where you convert your tokens from regular to Premium and back. You can also convert Brilliant Aeternum Sturgeon Scales, Aternum Sturgeon Filets, and Aternum Sturgeon Filets into Tokens.

Mount-A-Catch Cart

Check out the Mount-A-Catch Cart to create a collection of unique furniture items.

MaudlinBug Swarms

Maudlinbug Swarms can be found all over Aeternum. You need to be in the vicinity before you will see the icon. If you would like to see their exact locations, head over to Aeternum Map.

When you get to the swarm, press your musical performance key and select the Maudlinbug Haze song. You will need to have a guitar on you. You’ll be rewarded with Maudlinbug Bait and Maudlindust.

A sprinkling of Maudlindust will also fall to the floor, which you can run over to pick up.

Sturgeon Hotspots

You can fish at a Sturgeon Hotspot, or just use your Maudlinbug Bait in any body of water, to catch Aeternum Sturgeon and other drops for crafting your Mounted Trophies. 

Medleyfaire Maestro

The Master of Ceremonies in the event village is where you can spend your Medleyfaire Tokens, as well as pick up the event quest if this is your first time around.

Medleyfaire Shop

There are lots of goodies to spend your tokens on but not much is new for this year. We do have one new emote, and the crafting patterns have been updated to 700GS. Furniture, emotes, all kind of skins, food and more!

New Armor Patterns

Instead of needing to buy different patterns for each slot, the new format for event armour patterns is just one item, and you can choose which slot you’re making at the crafting station. This is a much better system than the 15 patterns we had previously.

Note: Armor patterns require Armoring level 205 to craft and are Bind on Pickup. The crafted items from the Epic patterns are Bind on Equip. The text on each item implies that the Legendary version should not require skill but the crafting station menu says 205. If anyone has below that skill level and is able to craft the Legendary pattern, please comment below to let me know.

Legendary Pattern

The Legendary pattern doesn’t require the use of gear to reach 700GS, and comes with Con, Refreshing, Elemental Aversion, and a random perk.

Epic Pattern

While the “700GS” patterns above are limited to one per week, you can buy an unlimited amount of the cheaper purple Epic patterns for 10 regular tokens. These roll at 700GS if you’re using the full Armorsmith buffs and gear, and come with Con, Refreshing, a Gem slot, and you can add one more perk, with the final perk random. So if you feel like gambling, there’s an option.


The appearances of the crafted items are the same as last year, so if you don’t have them yet and don’t want to spend the tokens, you may be able to buy some patterns from someone who stocked up last year. This is what they look like.

Event Store Skins

There are skins for every musical instrument, and well as a few fishing pole skins, a sword and a shield skin, a tent skin, a chest skin and two helm skins, if you didn’t collect them in a previous year.


The Summer Medleyfaire has some fun furniture, that has inspired many a house decorator and collector, including The Laze. There are lots of lights to choose from and the Summertime Blue and Orange Spotlights are very useful in creating spectacular displays.


As well as the Wiggle Dance and the Medleyfaire Shuffle, we’ll have a new emote this year: Maudlinbug Jar.

Medleyfaire Questline

Since Event Reputation has been reset this year, doing the questline is worth it. You’ll need to be Level 20 or higher. Completing quests grants 250 Event Reputation, which opens up more levels of the Event store, as well as 1760 XP, 62.50 Coin,  175 Territory Standing, and 10 Azoth.

Speak to the Master of Ceremonies in a Medleyfaire Village to get started.

Note: The quest was bugged to start with but fixed in less that a day, so you can now complete it.

From the source:

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Landi is an avid furniture collector and regular DPS for Don't Die Alone. She contributes to the Mutation Rotation and Faction Control series of articles.


  • […] update heralds the beginning of the Summer Medleyfaire, a celebration of music and fishing. Sing to swarms of Maudlinbugs to collect bait for catching […]

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  • […] patch saw the end of the Summer Medleyfaire event and the start of the Fury of the Spriggan. There are also a new bug fixes that should make […]

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