Getting armour crafted is a great way to choose the gear you want to wear. You can work on your skills and make your own, or get a friendly neighbourhood armoursmith to craft it for you. They will often do it for free as long as you provide the materials, so we’ve made a guide to help you figure out what you need.
Along with the changes made to crafting in Season 3 that allow you to choose the exact perks you want, Season 4 brings changes to the Golden Scarab crafts, making the company crafter relevant again. Season 6 adds a couple of options for crafting 725 gear score. This guide focuses on crafting with Prismatic cooldown materials and explains your costs and options.
Remember, don’t forget to dye your armour once it’s made!
Table of Contents
Getting set up for Armour crafting
To craft the armour discussed in this article, you’ll need not just 250 Armorsmithing but also the crafting suit, trophies, food buff, and town buff.
- 250 Armoring craft skill
- Major Armoring Trophies*, +5 each, x3
- Armorer Expertise clothing +2 each, x5
- Armorer Mastery earring, +5
- Spicy Cabbage Soup buff +15
- At least one of your houses needs to be in a town with an Armorer’s Inspiration crafting buff active +5
- If you’re missing 5 points, usually from the town buff, your faction can claim the Mourningdale fort for 5 extra points.
Important! Always Add Azoth Last.
If you change another material it will reset the azoth and your item will miss out on a gem slot and will not be Legendary!
Note: the amount of Azoth you need to add will vary depending on the Tier of the crafting station. The amounts listed are based on Tier 5 stations. Make sure all your perks and gem slot say Very High on the right side before you craft.
Gorgon Essence craft - Magnify and choose 3 perks - GS725
With the New World: Aeternum update in Season 6, the top end of crafting has changed. The only way to select all three perks is via the Hive of Gorgons Raid. When you complete the Raid, you get a Gorgonite Inductor, which you can use to craft into a Gorgon Essence. This opens up the Raid Equipment Gorgon’s Hive recipes. Importantly, this recipe requires no crafting skill, so it doesn’t really belong in this article. The only other way to craft 725GS is with a Gorgonite Schematic, which you can read about below.
- 1 Gorgon Essence
- 1 Prismatic Scarab
- 1 Armor Matrix
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth (varies)
- 3 Perk Craft mods
- 0 Azoth
Important to note:
- You need to have the Gorgon Essence and Prismatic Scarab in your inventory or settlement storage for this recipe to appear. You may also need to have a Golden Scarab on you, even though it’s not used in the recipe (Jewelcraft).
- This crafts a Bind on Pickup item.
Gorgonite Schematic - Choose 1 perk - GS725
This is a return to the gambling style of crafting that we saw before the Rise of the Angry Earth revamp. If you are lucky enough to loot or buy a Gorgonite Schematic, you can craft gear that is guaranteed to be 725GS, with the right materials. However, you can only apply one craft mod, so you’ll need to take an educated risk and roll multiple to get one with perfect perks. They take a lot fewer resources than the Gorgon Essence craft above and craft Bind on Equip so you can sell them.
- 1 Gorgon’s Eye
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth (varies)
- 1 Perk Craft mod
- 82 Azoth (you only need to apply azoth for the Gem Slot, as Perks 2 and 3 default to Very High)
Thank you for the screenshot Ting!
Important to note:
- You need to have learned the Gorgonite Schematic for each armor piece. Currently, only chest and leg schematics drop from the Completion rewards in the Hive of Gorgons. More schematics are scheduled to be released at a later date.
Azoth Inductor craft - choose 3 perks and the attribute - GS700
With the Rise of the Angry Earth update, for the first time in New World history, we can control every aspect of a crafted item. But be warned, this comes at a high cost. To start with, you’re going to need an Azoth Inductor, which is a Bind on Pickup item that you can only purchase once every 7 days from the Faction vendor for 25k gold and 75k faction tokens. On top of that, the base material costs are much higher than that of other crafts of the same item types, and the Timeless shards and Attribute craft mods are also needed in larger numbers. Finally, the Prismatic Scarab takes 10 Golden Scarabs to make, as well as 3 Prismatic Blocks, 500 Azoth and 50 Pure Solvent.
* for the 725 version of this recipe, click this link or scroll down.
- 1 Azoth Inductor
- 1 Prismatic Scarab
- 10 Timeless Shards
- 50 Attribute Craft Mods
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 3 Perk Craft mods
- 247 Azoth
Important to note:
- You need to have the Timeless Shards, Azoth Inductor, or Prismatic Scarab in your inventory or settlement storage for this recipe to appear. You may also need to have a Golden Scarab on you, even though it’s not used in the recipe (Jewelcraft).
- As the Azoth Inductor is Bind on Pickup, you will either need to craft these yourself or find a crafter willing to spend their cooldown on it, probably for an additional price.
- If the crafter’s faction owns the Mourningdale fort at the time of crafting, one of the secondary material slots can be replaced with the old cooldown mats instead of prismatic. This can save quite a lot of gold.
Golden Scarab craft - choose 2 perks and the attribute - GS700
The new Golden Scarab crafts no longer require Chromatic Seals – yay! Instead, you’ll need 3 Scarabs and an Armor Matrix, so there’s still a Bind on Pickup element in the Gypsum Orb requirements but it’s less of a burden. Matrices themselves are tradeable, so if you can’t make your own, you can pick one up on the Trading Post.
- 1 Armor Matrix
- 3 Golden Scarabs
- 3 Timeless Shards
- 25 Attribute Craft Mods
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 2 Perk Craft mods
- 495 Azoth
Important to note:
- You need to have the Timeless Shards or Golden Scarab in your inventory or settlement storage for this recipe to appear.
Expedition Replica craft - Con locked - choose 1 perk - GS700
Replicas can be made from special resources that drop from every expedition, and replicas from the most recent expeditions will roll at 700GS. These are Bind on Pickup, so you can’t craft and sell them.
Savage Divide Replica Ingredients
- 10 Writhing Seedling
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 1 Perk Craft mod
- 24 Azoth
Glacial Tarn ReplicaIngredients
- 10 Dry Ice
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 1 Perk Craft mod
- 24 Azoth
Note: My faction held Mourningdale fort at the time of crafting so I was able to slot Runic Leather instead of Prismatic and still reach 700GS.
Skill-based Event Pattern crafts - GS700
The Epic patterns from Events work in a similar way to Replicas. Unlike the 700GS Event patterns, you need max skill, trophies, gear, buffs, and materials to craft these at 700GS. They also cost slightly more base resources. They come with Con and you can choose one perk, the other two will be random.
The crafted item will be Bind on Equip, so you can gamble craft and sell these.
Summer Medleyfaire - Con and Refreshing locked, add one perk
Springtide Bloom - Con locked, add one perk
Nightveil Hallow - Con and Health locked, add one perk
Note: If your faction holds Mourningdale fort at the time of crafting you can slot Runic Leather instead of Prismatic and still reach 700GS.
Zero-buff Event Pattern crafts - GS700
You can also buy patterns that will guarantee 700GS without any buffs. These used to be craftable without any skill, but now you need 205 Armoring to craft them. The material requirements and stats are all static. The crafted item will be Bind on Pickup, so only you can use it.
Summer Medleyfaire - Con, Refreshing, Elemental Aversion
Springtide Bloom - Con, Health, Elemental Aversion
Nightveil Hallow - Con, Health, Enchanted Ward
Winter Convergence - Magnify, Health, Enchanted Ward
Brutish Replica craft - choose 1 perk - GS700
Brutish Replicas require special ingredients acquired through PVP. You can loot Banner Fragments and Shards of Pride from fallen player enemies or buy them from the Faction shop. If you have to buy them, it’s quite an expensive craft, with the Banners costing 1000 gold and 5k tokens each and the Shards costing 20k gold, plus 25k faction tokens.
The main advantage of these replicas is that they are Bind on Equip, so you can sell them.
- 10 Banner Fragment
- 1 Shard of Pride
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 1 Perk Craft mod
- 24 Azoth
Timeless Shard craft - choose 1 perk and the attribute - GS680
Timeless shards were introduced before Golden Scarabs, and allow crafters to choose one single attribute and one perk. With top-quality materials and all the crafting skill, gear, trophies, food and town buff, you can make 680 gear score items with a very high chance of 2 additional random perks and a gem slot.
- 1 Timeless Shard
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 1 Perk Craft mod
- 247 Azoth
Note: you need to have the Timeless Shards in your inventory or settlement storage for this recipe to appear.
Regular craft - choose 1 perk - GS680
You can, of course, try your luck with the random number generator. A regular craft allows you to choose one craft mod, which could give you a perk, an attribute, or even split attributes if you desire. If you choose a perk, using all the crafting gear and buffs, you can make 680 gear score items with a chance of a gem slot, 2 additional random perks, and a random attribute. If you choose the attributes with your craft mod, you will have the chance of a gem slot and 3 random perks.
- Prismatic ingots, leather, and cloth
- 1 Perk Craft mod
- 330 Azoth
Armor set material calculator
I’m so glad you asked! Here is a handy calculator to work out how many mats you need to craft one set of armour. Just choose your preferred item in each category and it will show the total required Prismatic materials, as well as the volume of special resources you need. If you don’t need a full set, you can leave pieces blank, and if you want to roll multiple of one slot, just increase the quantity.
- Azoth Inductor craft – choose 3 perks and the attribute
- Golden Scarab craft – choose 2 perks and the attribute
- Timeless Shard craft – choose 1 perk and the attribute
- Regular craft – choose 1 perk
Attribute Craft mods
You can get these from almost any loot source, including basic Supply Crates. There are also craft mods that give 2 attributes, that cannot be used in Scarab or Timeless crafts. These can be combined at a Gypsum Kiln to make a single attribute craft mod from one of their two attributes. It takes 5 of the split-stat mods to make 1 single-stat mod.
- CON – Iron Guardman Insignia
- STR – Iron Battle Medal
- DEX – Rough Leather Beaded Straps
- INT – Linen Arcane Embroidery
- FOC – Softwood Prayer Beads.
Note: a number of mixed attribute craft mods have been removed in Season 3. These now salvage for random single attribute craft mods.
Advice for Gearing up
Crafting armour is a great way to customise and finalise your sets. While the expense is high, having so much control over the exact perks and weight class of each piece of armour is worth it.
However, before you craft anything, you should check the named items list to see if there are any other items with the perks you want, that you might have in storage or be able to farm.
Named armor sets from mutations, as well as Artifacts and a range of new Named items, allow you to choose a final perk by Upgrading them with an Armor Matrix, 3 Chromatic Seals, 250 Dark Matter, and a Gypsum orb. So if any of those have two of the perks you want, it might be more cost-effective to upgrade instead of crafting a new piece.
You should also check the Trading Post and use the perk filter to see whether anyone is selling the exact item you need for less than the material cost.
If you’re on Delos and need something crafted, I always have my Ultimate crafting trophies up. Message Landi in game and let me know what you want 🙂
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